·       Portal ANIMALCARTOON, Belgrade (www.animalcartoon.net)

·       INFORMATIKA, Belgrade

·       ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, Belgrade

are organizing cartoon contest on theme "ANIMALS".


A. Participation

The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world, over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education. 


B. Cartoon theme: ANIMALS


C. Artworks - Send by e-mail on address: info@animalcartoon.net .


Only the original artworks (up to 5) in digital form send by e-mail will be accepted.
Digital works (A4, up to 300 dpi, JPEG or TIFF, the maximum length per one artworks 3 MB - Biggest artworks than 3 MB will not be opened niether accepted) with personal information - name, address, e-mail, cartoonist photo and brief CV (.doc format, NOT PDF) should be sent by e-mail.

Condensed file zip, rar, etc... WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


The cartoons must not be previously awarded.

Arrived submissions that passed the pre-selection will be immediately published on the portal Animalcartoon.



D. Deadline

Entry deadline is Septeber 01, 2023.


E. Prizes and awards

First prize      300 - neto

Second prize  200 - neto

Third prize     150 - neto

It will be also awarded 10 diplomas.

F. Exhibition

The exhibition will be staged in Zoological Garden Belgrade (BEO ZOO VRT) from 

October 1, 2023 to October 1, 2024.

The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia and abroad.


G. Catalogue  

All participants of the competition will be able to download the catalog in PDF format from our portal.


H. Other conditions

The organizers reserve the right to use them for various purposes without any obligation to compensate for it. The works will be included in the permanent exhibition and archive portal Animal Cartoon.

By submitting works is considered that the authors accept these rules. 

Arrived artworks remain the property of the organizers.



Špiro RADULOVIĆ, cartoonist

Manager of Portal Animalcartoon







·       Portal ANIMALCARTOON, Beograd (www.animalcartoon.net)

·       INFORMATIKA, Beograd

·       BEO ZOO VRT, Beograd 


organizuju konkurs karikatura na temu "ŽIVOTINJE"


A. Učešće

Konkurs je otvoren  za sve karikaturiste sveta starije od 18 godina bez obzira na nacionalnost, veroispovest, pol i obrazovanje.


B. Tema konkursa: ŽIVOTINJE


C. Slanje e-mailom


Prihvataju se originalni radovi (maksimalno 5) u digitalnom obliku poslati elektronskom poštom.

Digitalne radove (A4, 300 dpi, Jpeg ili Tiff, maksimalna dužina po jednom radu 3 MB - Karikature veće od 3 MB neće biti prihvaćene!) sa ličnim podacima - ime , prezime, adresa, e-mail, foto i kratak CV u .doc formatu (NE PDF) treba poslati na adresu: info@animalcartoon.net.

Komprimovane fajle zip, rar i sl. se NE PRIHVATAJU!

Radovi ne smeju biti ranije nagrađivani. 

Prispeli radovi koji budu prošli predselekciju biće odmah postavljeni na portal Animalcartoon.


D. Rok 

Radovi se primaju do 01. septembra 2023. godine.


E. Nagrade i diplome


Prva nagrada          300 - neto

Druga nagrada        200 - neto

Treća nagrada        150 - neto

Biće takođe dodeljeno i 10 diploma.


F. Izložba

Izložba će biti postavljena u Beogradskom zoološkom vrtu od 1. oktobra 2023. do 1. oktobra 2024. godine. Izložba će biti prikazivana i u gradovima Srbije i inostranstva.


G. Katalog

Svi učesnici konkursa će moći da preuzmu katalog u PDF formatu sa našeg portala.


H. Ostale odredbe

Prispeli radovi ostaju u vlasništvu organizatora. Organizatori zadržavaju pravo da ih koriste u razne svrhe bez  obaveze da autorima daju bili kakvu nadoknadu za to. Radovi će biti uključeni u stalnu postavku i arhivu portala Animal Cartoon.

Slanjem radova smatra se da autori prihvataju navedena pravila konkursa.


Špiro RADULOVIĆ, karikaturista

Menadžer portala ANIMALCARTOON
































































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